One Blue World
climate blog
Yellowstone Nat'l Park, US > Wolves & Biodiversity (Global Ecology & Conserv.):
The strength of the Yellowstone trophic cascade after wolf reintroduction
Antarctic Sea Ice Predictability (Nature):
ENSO’s impact on linear & nonlinear predictability of Antarctic sea ice
Indonesia > Coastal Hazards & Mental Health (Nature):
Association between climate related hazards & depression among coastal communities in Indonesia
NE Atlantic Fish Health (Nature):
How will the cumulative effects of fishing & climate change affect the health & resilience of the Celtic Sea ecosystem?
Predicting Changing AMOC (Nature):
Continued Atlantic overturning circulation even under climate extremes
Stefan Rahmstorf Comments on
How will media report on this new AMOC study?
Flu Epidemics (Nature):
Climate warming & influenza dynamics: the modulating effects of seasonal temperature increases on epidemic patterns
Projecting Global Weather Damages (Nature):
Statistical downscaling differences strongly alter projected climate damages
Birds at Risk (Ecology Letters):
Environmental Variability Shapes Life History of the World's Birds
US > Lake Algae Blooms (PNAS):
Abrupt changes in algal biomass of thousands of US lakes are related to climate & are more likely in low-disturbance watersheds
Impacts of Changing AMOC (PNAS):
Weakening AMOC reduces ocean carbon uptake & increases the social cost of carbon
AMOC Stability Dynamics (Nature):
Structural stability changes of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Researcher Communication Driving Action (Nature Commentary):
How scientists can drive climate action: celebrate nature & promote hope
Identifying Misinformation (Nature):
Automated fact-checking of climate claims with large language models
Analyzing Extreme Events Via AI (Nature Review):
Artificial intelligence for modeling & understanding extreme weather & climate events
Arctic Impacts (Science Special Issue Review):
Disappearing landscapes: The Arctic at +2.7°C global warming
Hawaiʻi > Nature Based Solutions (Nature):
Scaling biocultural initiatives can support nature, food, & culture from summit to sea
Antarctica > Soil Carbon Sinks (Nature):
Global warming may turn ice-free areas of Maritime & Peninsular Antarctica into potential soil organic carbon sinks
UK > Peatland Wildfires (ERL):
Spikes in UK wildfire emissions driven by peatland fires in dry years
Europe > Energy Transition (Nature):
Multi-country evidence on societal factors to include in energy transition modelling
Indigenous Resilience > Gitxsan Nation (Canadian Geographies):
A framework for Indigenous climate resilience: A Gitxsan case study
Thailand > Ag pathogens (Nature):
Modelling the effects of climate change on the interaction between bacteria & phages with a temperature-dependent lifecycle switch
E Antarctic Ice Sheet > Predicting Sea Level Rise (Nature):
East Antarctic tectonic basin structure & its implications for ice-sheet modeling & sea-level projections
California Current & Marine Heatwaves (Nature):
Vertical structure of subsurface marine heatwaves in a shallow nearshore upwelling system
Urban Driving Emissions (Nature):
Predictive methods for CO2 emissions & energy use in vehicles at intersections
AMOC & Indian Ocean Dynamics (Nature):
Limited influence of the Agulhas leakage on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation under present-day climate conditions
California > Wildfire Risk (Nature):
Compounding effects of climate change & WUI expansion quadruple the likelihood of extreme-impact wildfires in California
Antarctica > Changing Sea Ice Extent (Nature):
A twenty-first century structural change in Antarctica’s sea ice system
S Mediterranean Basin > Coastal Risks (Earth's Future):
Soaring Building Collapses in Southern Mediterranean Coasts: Hydroclimatic Drivers & Adaptive Landscape Mitigations
SE Asia > Impacts from Arctic Sea Ice Loss (Nature):
Beaufort sea ice loss contributes to enhanced health exposure to fire weather over Southeast Asia
Sea Turtles & Rising Sea Temps (Royal Society):
Individual plasticity in response to rising sea temperatures contributes to an advancement in green turtle nesting phenology
Mediterranean Coast > Loss of Marshes (Nature):
Large-scale loss of Mediterranean coastal marshes under rising sea levels by 2100
North Atlantic Oscillation & AMOC Dynamics (Nature):
Evidence for Atlantic Ocean forcing the atmosphere & the negative role of model bias
Southern Ocean Warming & Carbon Dynamics (Nature):
Warming-induced retreat of West Antarctic glaciers weakened carbon sequestration ability but increased mercury enrichment
Changing Global Glacier Mass (Nature):
Community estimate of global glacier mass changes from 2000 to 2023
Shifting Bat Ranges (Nature):
Future climate change & the distributional shift of the common vampire bat,
Desmodus rotundus
Arctic Indigenous Food Cultures (Nature Commentary):
Arctic food & energy security at the crossroads
Alaska > Coastline Erosion (PNAS Podcast):
Climate effects & shifting Arctic coastlines
N Hemisphere > Extreme Rainfall (Nature):
Long-lasting intense cut-off lows to become more frequent in the Northern Hemisphere
Poland > Extreme Drought (Nature):
Projection of climate change impact on the occurrence of drought events in Poland
Ambitious Paris Policies (Nature):
Political enablers of ambitious climate policies: a framework & thematic review
Africa > Ag Grasslands (Nature Commentary):
Make African grasslands climate-change resilient
Threats to Global Peatlands (Conserv. Ltrs):
Mismatch Between Global Importance of Peatlands & the Extent of Their Protection
Japan > Marine Heatwave & Extreme Precip (Nature):
Effects of a marine heatwave associated with the Kuroshio Extension large meander on extreme precipitation in September 2023
Tracking GHG Emissions (Nature):
Lack of harmonisation of greenhouse gases reporting standards & the methane emissions gap
Korean Peninsula > Groundwater Dynamics (Nature):
Climate change effects on submarine groundwater discharge & regional variations along the Korean Peninsula
Infectious Disease & Biodiversity Loss Dynamics (Nature Review):
Pathogens & planetary change
Tropical Andes > Decreasing Glacier Mass (Cryosphere):
Physically based modelling of glacier evolution under climate change in the tropical Andes
California > Vulnerable Fisheries (PLOS):
A collaborative climate vulnerability assessment of California marine fishery species
Global Urban CO2 Emissions (Nature):
Scaling laws of CO2 emissions during global urban expansion
Global Lightning & Wildfire Dynamics (Science):
Quantifying CO2 forcing effects on lightning, wildfires, & climate interactions
Permafrost Carbon Loss (Science):
Continued permafrost ecosystem carbon loss under net-zero & negative emissions
Bioenergy & Planetary Boundaries (Nature):
Multiple planetary boundaries preclude biomass crops for carbon capture & storage outside of agricultural areas
Africa > Cocoa Crop Impacts (Agric. For. Meteorol.):
Climate change impacts on cocoa production in the major producing countries of West & Central Africa by mid-century
US > Electrifying Freight Trucks & Enviro Justice (Nature):
Impact of truck electrification on air pollution disparities in the US
Marine Ecosystem Restoration with Indigenous & Community Involvement (Nature Review):
A framework for just seascape restoration
W Antarctica > Precipitation Dynamics (Cryosphere):
Extreme precipitation associated with atmospheric rivers over West Antarctic ice shelves: insights from kilometre-scale regional climate modelling
S Africa > Sea Level Rise (Nature):
Sea level trends along the South African coast from 1993 to 2022 using XTRACK altimetry, tide gauges, & GNSS measurements
Our 1st Year Above 1.5 °C (Nature - 2 Papers):
Twelve months at 1.5 °C signals earlier than expected breach of Paris Agreement threshol
A year above 1.5 °C signals that Earth is most probably within the 20-year period that will reach the Paris Agreement limit
W Antarctica > Melting of Ice Shelves (Nature):
Recent increase in surface melting of West Antarctic ice shelves linked to Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation
Latin America > Urban Flooding & Inequity (Nature):
Social disparities in neighborhood flood exposure in 44,698 urban neighborhoods in Latin America
N America > Wildfires & Forest Health (Nature):
A fire deficit persists across diverse North American forests despite recent increases in area burned
Wildfires, Lakes & Carbon Cycling (Nature):
Wildfires mediate carbon transfer from land to lakes across boreal & temperate regions
Arctic Carbon Cycle (Nature Review):
The land–ocean Arctic carbon cycle
US > Education & Concern (Nature):
Perceptible climate warming amplifies how education increases climate concern in the US
Our Low-Carbon Transition (ERSS Review):
The acceleration of low-carbon transitions: Insights, concepts, challenges, & new directions for research
Global Heat Mortality (Nature Review):
Mortality impacts of the most extreme heat events
Europe > Groundwater Recharge (Earth's Future):
Multi-Model Assessment of Groundwater Recharge Across Europe Under Warming Climate
Need for Open Scientific Data (Nature Commentary):
Climate data for climate action
Japan > Soil CO2 Dynamics (SOIL):
Comprehensive increase in CO2 release by drying–rewetting cycles among Japanese forests & pastureland soils & exploring predictors of increasing magnitude
Global Marine Nutrient Concentrations (PLOS):
Observed declines in upper ocean phosphate-to-nitrate availability
Decarbonization of Energy-Using Sectors (Nature):
Demand-side strategies enable rapid & deep cuts in buildings & transport emissions to 2050
James Hansen, et al. > Accelerated Warming (Environment):
Global Warming Has Accelerated: Are the United Nations & the Public Well-Informed?
Greenland Ice Sheet > Crevassing & Feedbacks (Nature):
Increased crevassing across accelerating Greenland Ice Sheet margins
Global Coral Bleaching Projections (Glob. Ecol. Biogeogr.):
CoralBleachRisk—Global Projections of Coral Bleaching Risk in the 21st Century
Our Urban Rat Problem (Science);
Increasing rat numbers in cities are linked to climate warming, urbanization, & human population
Declining Global Marine Net Primary Production (Nature):
Global decline in net primary production underestimated by climate Podels
Ocean Weather Dynamics (Nature):
Atmospheric wind energization of ocean weather
Humpback Whale Adaptation (Nature):
Migratory behaviour of humpback whales in the southeastern Pacific under climate change
Vanishing Glaciers & Biodiversity Impacts (Nature):
Predicting climate-change impacts on the global glacier-fed stream microbiome
Indigenous Knowledge & Human-Polar Bear Coexistence (Nature):
Coexistence between people & polar bears supports Indigenous knowledge mobilization in wildlife management & research
Nature's Behind the Paper,
“Bears are like family”: Indigenous insights on human-polar bear coexistence
Sydney, Australia > Urban Heat Islands (Nature):
Exploring the potential impacts of anthropogenic heating on urban climate during heatwaves
Hungary > Precipitation & Plant Health (J of Ecology):
Decline in plant species richness with a chronic decrease of precipitation: The mediating role of the dominant species
Global Unsustainable Water Use (Nature):
Global water gaps under future warming levels
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