US Washington State > Community Natural Solutions (PLOS):

Opportunities & challenges to community-level adoption of natural climate solutions in Washington State

Japan > Extreme Typhoons & Power Outages (Nature):

Extreme typhoon events trigger long-lasting power outages & require demand-side solutions to enhance energy resiliency

Predicting Mid-Latitude Extreme Events (Nature):

Recent changes in ENSO’s impacts on the summertime circumglobal teleconnection & mid-latitude extremes

US > Increasing Winter Precipitation Extremes (Nature):

Projected increase in ENSO-induced US winter extreme hydroclimate events in SPEAR large ensemble simulation

Global Biomass Supply Chain Emissions (Nature):

Rising greenhouse gas emissions embodied in the global bioeconomy supply chain

Social Networks, AI & Emotions (Nature):

Artificial intelligence, digital social networks, & climate emotions

Global Water & Carbon Cycling (Nature):

Soil moisture-atmosphere interactions drive terrestrial carbon-water trade-offs