New Zealand > Reestablishing Indigenous Natural Law (Climate Policy):

An Indigenous climate justice policy analysis tool

US > Great Salt Lake Greenhouse Gas Emissions (One Earth):

A desiccating saline lake bed is a significant source of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions

US > Reducing Emissions (Nature):

High-ambition climate action in all sectors can achieve a 65% greenhouse gas emissions reduction in the US by 2035

Clear-Air Turbulence (JGR):

Past & Future Trends in Clear-Air Turbulence Over the Northern Hemisphere

Anthropogenic Reactive Nitrogen (Nature):

Global net climate effects of anthropogenic reactive nitrogen

Europe > Assisted Tree Migration (Nature):

Assisted tree migration can preserve the European forest carbon sink under climate change

Greenland > Meltwater Dynamics (Cryosphere):

Greenland's firn responds more to warming than to cooling

Achieving The Paris Accord (Nature Commentary):

Science-based targets miss the mark

Sweden > Youth Coping Skills (Climatic Change):

Patterns of climate-change coping among late adolescents: Differences in emotions concerning the future, moral responsibility, & climate-change engagement

Tree Woody Surface CH4 Uptake (Nature):

Global atmospheric methane uptake by upland tree woody surfaces

Our Fossil Fuel Transition (Mitig. Adapt. Strateg. Glob. Change):

The changing mix of fossil fuels used & the related evolution of CO2 emissions

Posting Science On Social Media (PNAS):

Numeric social-media posts engage people with climate science

Forecasting Via Machine-Learning Models (Nature):

Neural general circulation models for weather & climate

Nature News: Google AI predicts long-term climate trends and weather — in minutes

Brazil > Shifting Forest Composition (J Veg. Sci.)

Elevational shifts in tree community composition in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest related to climate change

Infectious Disease Dynamics (Nature Perspective):

Perspectives on climate change & infectious disease outbreaks: is the evidence there?

Global Heat Extremes (ERL):

Heat extremes linearly shift with global warming, with frequency doubling per decade since 1979

US > Drought & Hydropower (ERL):

Unraveling the hydropower vulnerability to drought in the US

Earth's Surface & Core Dynamics (Nature):

Contributions of core, mantle & climatological processes to Earth’s polar motion

Coastal Adaptation Practices (Earth's Future):

Characterizing Climatic Socio-Environmental Tipping Points in Coastal Communities: A Conceptual Framework for Research & Practice

US West > Forest Carbon (Earth's Future):

Forest Carbon Storage in the Western US: Distribution, Drivers, & Trends

ENSO May Be A Tipping Element (GRL):

Is El Niño-Southern Oscillation a Tipping Element in the Climate System?

New Planetary Boundary > Marine Deoxygenation? (Paywalled Nature Perspective):

UC Santa Cruz Press Release: Loss of oxygen in lakes & oceans another sign of Earth systems under strain

Nature (Paywall Perspective): Aquatic deoxygenation as a planetary boundary & key regulator of Earth system stability 

Global Marine Biodiversity (Nature):

Temporal dynamics of climate change exposure & opportunities for global marine biodiversity

Trees Encroaching On Grasslands (Earth's Future):

Future Climate Change Shifts the Ranges of Major Encroaching Woody Plant Species in the Southern Great Plains, USA

Solar Panels Over Highways (Earth's Future):

Roofing Highways With Solar Panels Substantially Reduces Carbon Emissions & Traffic Losses

Global Soil Moisture & Population Exposure To Heatwaves (Earth's Future):

Soil Moisture-Temperature Coupling Increases Population Exposure to Future Heatwaves

Global Loss Of Tropical Forests (Nature):

Human degradation of tropical moist forests is greater than previously estimated

Africa > Sea Level Rise (Sustainability):

Sea Level Variability Assessment along the African Coast (download)

Southeast Asia > Changing Tropical Cyclones (Nature):

Changes to tropical cyclone trajectories in Southeast Asia under a warming climate

Impacts On Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep (Nature):

Pursuit & escape drive fine-scale movement variation during migration in a temperate alpine ungulate

Arctic Indigenous Communities At Risk (Nature Commentary):

Climate change is worsening the housing crisis — we must tackle the two together;  Thousands of people are being displaced across the Arctic. Governments must listen to Indigenous & local communities & act on their advice.

Mexico > Risk & Adaptation (Nature):

Asset-level assessment of climate physical risk matters for adaptation finance

New Zealand > Projecting Wet & Dry Extremes (ERL):

Robust changes to the wettest & driest days of the year are hidden within annual rainfall projections: a New Zealand case study