Planning Green Energy Systems (Adv. Appl. Energy):

Planning reliable wind- & solar-based electricity systems

US > Urban Heat & Just Strategies (PNAS):

Prioritizing social vulnerability in urban heat mitigation

UK > Weather-Related Mortality (Lancet):

Expert judgement reveals current & emerging UK climate-mortality burden

Scientists & Activism (Nature):

Between two worlds the scientist’s dilemma in climate activism

Beyond GDP (Lancet Review):

Beyond GDP: a review & conceptual framework for measuring sustainable & inclusive wellbeing

Adaptation Solutions (Nature Perspective):

Improving adaptation assessment in the IPCC

Minimizing Aviation Contrails (ACP):

The importance of an informed choice of CO2-equivalence metrics for contrail avoidance

Borneo > Logging & CO2 (New Phytologist):

From tree to plot: investigating stem CO2 efflux & its drivers along a logging gradient in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo

New Open Access Book:

Leaving Fossil Fuels Underground; Actors, Arguments & Approaches in the Global South & Global North (download 259 pg)

S Atlantic Ocean Carbon Pump (Global Biogeochemical Cycles):

The Changing Biological Carbon Pump of the South Atlantic Ocean

US > Eastern Forests (Global Change Biology):

Asymmetric effects of hydroclimate extremes on eastern US tree growth: Implications on current demographic shifts & climate variability

Antarctic Ice Sheet > Projecting Changes (Earth's Future):

Evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Over the Next Three Centuries From an ISMIP6 Model Ensemble

N Hemisphere > Heatwave Trends (Nature):

Sketching the spatial disparities in heatwave trends by changing atmospheric teleconnections in the Northern Hemisphere

Global Consumer Risk & Inequality (Nature):

Global economic impact of weather variability on the rich & the poor

Greenland Ice Sheet > Extreme Melting (J of Climate):

Rising Extreme Meltwater Trends in Greenland Ice Sheet (1950–2022): Surface Energy Balance & Large-Scale Circulation Changes

Sea Ice-Ocean Storm Response (JGR):

Air-Ice-Ocean Coupling During a Strong Mid-Winter Cyclone: Observing Coupled Dynamic Interactions Across Scales

Antarctic Krill Fishery (Nature):

Whale recovery & the emerging human-wildlife conflict over Antarctic krill

Marine Mammal & Ocean Health (Nature):

Marine mammals as indicators of Anthropocene Ocean Health

US > Increasing Winter Precip (Nature):

Robust future intensification of winter precipitation over the US

Europe & US > Extreme Urban Rain (Earth's Future):

Intensification & Changing Spatial Extent of Heavy Rainfall in Urban Areas

Digital Inputs & Emissions Reduction (ERL):

Digital input requirements for global carbon emission reduction

US > Hydropower Projections (ERL):

Multi-scale impacts of climate change on hydropower for long-term water-energy planning in the contiguous US

Indigenous Peoples’ Knowledge (Nature Commentary):

No basis for claim that 80% of biodiversity is found in Indigenous territories

Mapping Global Urban Precip Hotspots (PNAS):

Global scale assessment of urban precipitation anomalies

California > Hazard Perceptions (EAB):

Spatial Optimism & Cross-Over Effects in the Perceptions of Interconnected Wildfire, Flood, & Mudslide Hazards

Biomethane Feedstock Production CO2 Emissions (Nature):

Biomethane produced from maize grown on peat emits more CO2 than natural gas

S Himalayas > Worker Heat Stress (Nature):

Evaluating heat stress & occupational risks in the Southern Himalayas under current & future climates

Global Governance, Influence & Interest Groups (Nature):

Global climate governance inequality unveiled through dynamic influence assessment

Canada > Indigenous Alternatives (Yellowhead Institute):

From Risk to Resilience: Indigenous Alternatives to Climate Risk Assessment in Canada (Download 24 pg)

Tropical Cyclones & Infectious Disease Risk (Lancet):

Risks of infectious disease hospitalisations in the aftermath of tropical cyclones: a multi-country time-series study

Carbon Pricing Policies (Nature):

Public support for carbon pricing policies & revenue recycling options: a systematic review & meta-analysis of the survey literature

Blue Carbon & Krill (Nature):

Antarctic krill sequester similar amounts of carbon to key coastal blue carbon habitats

Global Wildfire Extent & Severity (Frontiers Review):

The global drivers of wildfire

Europe > Carbon Mgmt (Climate Policy):

Resistance to market interventionism: an analysis of the European industrial carbon management strategy consultation

US > Extreme Rain (GRL):

Short-Duration Extreme Rainfall Events in the Central & Eastern US During the Summer: 2003–2023 Trends & Variability

Canada > Resilient Boreal Forests (For. Ecol. Manage.):

Mixed stands of black spruce (Picea mariana) & tamarack (Larix laricina) offer high secondary growth in eastern boreal forests of Canada

New Zealand > Extreme Rainfall (Earth's Future):

Cyclone Gabrielle as a Design Storm for Northeastern Aotearoa New Zealand Under Anthropogenic Warming

Emissions & Lifestyles (CLPL):

The social cost of carbon falling on the wealthy

Global Wetland CH4 Emissions (Earth's Future):

Global Wetland Methane Emissions From 2001 to 2020: Magnitude, Dynamics & Controls

Conserving Reefs & Reef Sharks (Nature):

Environmental stress reduces shark residency to coral reefs

Integrated CO2 Capture & Conversion (Nature):

Reactive capture of CO2 via amino acid

Nature-Based Tourism (People & Nature):

Opportunities for meaningful climate change engagement in vulnerable nature settings

Arctic Emerging Diseases (Nature World View):

Why the next pandemic could come from the Arctic — & what to do about it

The Netherlands > Perceived Scientist Credibility (Geoscience Communication):

The (non)effect of personalization in climate texts on the credibility of climate scientists: a case study on sustainable travel

India > Public Understanding (Nature News):

How does the world’s most populous country perceive climate change?

Sports & Extreme Weather (Nature Editorial):

Unsporting climate

N America > Extreme Wet & Dry (GRL):

Centennial-Scale Intensification of Wet & Dry Extremes in North America

Florida Current & AMOC (Nature):

Florida Current transport observations reveal four decades of steady state

2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season (BAMS):

The 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season: An Above-Normal Season despite Strong El Niño Conditions

Antarctic Meltwater & AMOC (Nature):

Antarctic meltwater reduces the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation through oceanic freshwater transport & atmospheric teleconnections

Arctic Sea Ice (Nature):

Summer snow on Arctic sea ice modulated by the Arctic Oscillation

Patagonia > Changes to Rivers & Coastal Waters (Nature):

Hydrographic shifts in coastal waters reflect climate-driven changes in hydrological regimes across Northwestern Patagonia

Antarctica > Response to Atmospheric River (Earth's Future):

Response of a Terrestrial Polar Ecosystem to the March 2022 Antarctic Weather Anomaly

Threats to Global Soil Biodiversity (iScience):

Global changes & their environmental stressors have a significant impact on soil biodiversity—A meta-analysis

Industry Influencing Higher Ed (WIREs):

Fossil fuel industry influence in higher education: A review & a research agenda

Changes To Global Wetlands (Earth's Future):

Climate-Driven Projections of Future Global Wetlands Extent

Africa > E. Atlantic Ocean Sea Level Rise (Nature):

Exploring steric sea level variability in the Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean: a three-decade study (1993–2022)

Author Correction

Tropical Forest Soil Carbon Storage (Nature):

Experimental warming & drying increase older carbon contributions to soil respiration in lowland tropical forests

US > Community Engagement in Clean Energy (ERSS):

Halfway up the ladder: Developer practices & perspectives on community engagement for utility-scale renewable energy in the US

Global Economic Growth & Emissions Growth (Nature):

World economies’ progress in decoupling from CO2 emissions

Arctic Ice Dynamics (Nature):

Multiscale mushy layer model for Arctic marginal ice zone dynamics

Blue Carbon In Marine Protected Areas (Nature):

Blue carbon storage in a sub-Antarctic marine protected area

Global Marine Nutrient & Carbon Cycle (Nature):

Transient overturning changes cause an upper-ocean nutrient decline in a warming climate

Denmark > Changing Bird Populations (Oikos):

Changes in Danish bird communities over four decades of climate & land-use change

Sea Surface Temps (Nature):

Tropical & Antarctic sea ice impacts of observed Southern Ocean warming & cooling trends since 1949

Global Urban Green Space Inequality (Nature):

Green spaces provide substantial but unequal urban cooling globally

Arctic–Boreal Wildfires (Nature):

Spatial variability in Arctic–boreal fire regimes influenced by environmental & human factors

Antarctica > Cold-Adapted Species At Risk (Nature Review):

Antarctic benthic ecological change

Intense Tropical Cyclones (Nature):

Robust future projections of global spatial distribution of major tropical cyclones & sea level pressure gradients

Global Urban Bldg Growth (Nature):

Global urban structural growth shows a profound shift from spreading out to building up