Decreasing Arctic Midlatitude Cold Extremes (Science):

Models & observations agree on fewer & milder midlatitude cold extremes even over recent decades of rapid Arctic warming

Extreme Events & Partner Violence (PLOS):

The impact of environmental shocks due to climate change on intimate partner violence: A structural equation model of data from 156 countries

Changing Arctic Ecosystems (L&O Letters):

Multiple climatic drivers increase pace & consequences of ecosystem change in the Arctic Coastal Ocean

Fire Reducing Global Carbon Budget (Nature):

Fire weakens land carbon sinks before 1.5 °C

Global 30x30 Biodiversity Target (Frontiers):

Global status & emerging contribution of other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) towards the ‘30x30’ biodiversity Target 3

US West > Slowing Drought Recovery (Nature):

Anthropogenic climate change has reduced drought recovery probabilities across the western US

Antarctic Sea Ice Dynamics (Nature):

Antarctic sea ice surface temperature bias in atmospheric reanalyses induced by the combined effects of sea ice & clouds

New Book (Melville House):

The Future of Energy

Endangered Arctic Plant Evolutionary Rescue (Royal Society):

The potential for evolutionary rescue in an Arctic seashore plant threatened by climate change

New Book (Springer):

Disaster & Climate Risk Education: Insights from Knowledge to Action

US > Hurricane & Tropical Storm Fatalities (Nature):

Mortality caused by tropical cyclones in the US

Projecting Future Global Impacts (Frontiers):

Emerging signals of climate change from the equator to the poles: new insights into a warming world

Estimating CO2 Kept In Atmosphere (Nature):

A regression-based approach to the CO2 airborne fraction

Compound Extreme Events (ERL):

Comparison of the risks & drivers of compound hot-dry & hot-wet extremes in a warming world

Canada > Wildfires (Nature):

Global climate change below 2 °C avoids large end century increases in burned area in Canada

Costa Rica > Sloths At Risk (PeerJ):

Sloth metabolism may make survival untenable under climate change scenarios

Mitigation Via Wetlands (Nature):

New perspectives on temperate inland wetlands as natural climate solutions under different CO2-equivalent metrics

Worldwide Urban Solutions (Resilient Cities Network Report):

Urban Pulse: Identifying Resilience Solutions at the Intersection of Climate, Health & Equity (Download 76 Pg)

Risks To Alpine & Tibetan Plateau Tundra (RMetS):

High-resolution CMIP6 analysis highlights emerging climate challenges in alpine & Tibetan Tundra zones

Defining The Anthropocene's Onset (PNAS):

Toward defining the Anthropocene onset using a rapid increase in anthropogenic fingerprints in global geological archives

US > Extreme Temps & Racial Disparities (One Earth):

Racial disparities in deaths related to extreme temperatures in the US

Northern Cryosphere > Inland Water Emissions (Science):

Inland water greenhouse gas emissions offset the terrestrial carbon sink in the northern cryosphere

Worldwide Policy Databases (Nature Review):

A review of national climate policies via existing databases

2022 Tonga Volcanic Tsunami (Nature):

A coupled atmosphere-ocean source mechanism was a predictor of the 2022 Tonga volcanic tsunami

The Marine Carbon Sink (Nature):

Marine carbon sink dominated by biological pump after temperature overshoot

China > Peak Emissions (Nature Commentary):

What does peak emissions mean for China — & the world?

US > Flood Exposure (2 Studies):

Earth's Future: A Nationwide Analysis of Community-Level Floodplain Development Outcomes & Key Influences

Oxford Open Climate Change: How local governments avoid floodplain development through consistent implementation of routine municipal ordinances, plans, & programs

Ireland > Framing the Farming Message (J of Rural Studies):

Policy & politics: How specialist farming media frame climate action

Siberia > Shifting Wildfire Regime (AGU Advances):

Escalating Wildfires in Siberia Driven by Climate Feedbacks Under a Warming Arctic in the 21st Century

Large Seabird Southern Ocean Sea-Ice Habitat (Progress In Oceanography):

Seasonal resource tracking & use of sea-ice foraging habitats by albatrosses & large petrels 

Antarctic Ice Loss (Nature):

Ocean warming as a trigger for irreversible retreat of the Antarctic ice sheet

Planning Green Energy Systems (Adv. Appl. Energy):

Planning reliable wind- & solar-based electricity systems

US > Urban Heat & Just Strategies (PNAS):

Prioritizing social vulnerability in urban heat mitigation

UK > Weather-Related Mortality (Lancet):

Expert judgement reveals current & emerging UK climate-mortality burden

Scientists & Activism (Nature):

Between two worlds the scientist’s dilemma in climate activism

Beyond GDP (Lancet Review):

Beyond GDP: a review & conceptual framework for measuring sustainable & inclusive wellbeing

Adaptation Solutions (Nature Perspective):

Improving adaptation assessment in the IPCC

Minimizing Aviation Contrails (ACP):

The importance of an informed choice of CO2-equivalence metrics for contrail avoidance

Borneo > Logging & CO2 (New Phytologist):

From tree to plot: investigating stem CO2 efflux & its drivers along a logging gradient in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo

New Open Access Book:

Leaving Fossil Fuels Underground; Actors, Arguments & Approaches in the Global South & Global North (download 259 pg)

S Atlantic Ocean Carbon Pump (Global Biogeochemical Cycles):

The Changing Biological Carbon Pump of the South Atlantic Ocean

US > Eastern Forests (Global Change Biology):

Asymmetric effects of hydroclimate extremes on eastern US tree growth: Implications on current demographic shifts & climate variability

Antarctic Ice Sheet > Projecting Changes (Earth's Future):

Evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Over the Next Three Centuries From an ISMIP6 Model Ensemble

N Hemisphere > Heatwave Trends (Nature):

Sketching the spatial disparities in heatwave trends by changing atmospheric teleconnections in the Northern Hemisphere

Global Consumer Risk & Inequality (Nature):

Global economic impact of weather variability on the rich & the poor

Greenland Ice Sheet > Extreme Melting (J of Climate):

Rising Extreme Meltwater Trends in Greenland Ice Sheet (1950–2022): Surface Energy Balance & Large-Scale Circulation Changes