Global Loss Of Tropical Forests (Nature):

Human degradation of tropical moist forests is greater than previously estimated

Africa > Sea Level Rise (Sustainability):

Sea Level Variability Assessment along the African Coast (download)

Southeast Asia > Changing Tropical Cyclones (Nature):

Changes to tropical cyclone trajectories in Southeast Asia under a warming climate

Impacts On Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep (Nature):

Pursuit & escape drive fine-scale movement variation during migration in a temperate alpine ungulate

Arctic Indigenous Communities At Risk (Nature Commentary):

Climate change is worsening the housing crisis — we must tackle the two together;  Thousands of people are being displaced across the Arctic. Governments must listen to Indigenous & local communities & act on their advice.

Mexico > Risk & Adaptation (Nature):

Asset-level assessment of climate physical risk matters for adaptation finance

New Zealand > Projecting Wet & Dry Extremes (ERL):

Robust changes to the wettest & driest days of the year are hidden within annual rainfall projections: a New Zealand case study