New Zealand > Reestablishing Indigenous Natural Law (Climate Policy):

An Indigenous climate justice policy analysis tool

US > Great Salt Lake Greenhouse Gas Emissions (One Earth):

A desiccating saline lake bed is a significant source of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions

US > Reducing Emissions (Nature):

High-ambition climate action in all sectors can achieve a 65% greenhouse gas emissions reduction in the US by 2035

Clear-Air Turbulence (JGR):

Past & Future Trends in Clear-Air Turbulence Over the Northern Hemisphere

Anthropogenic Reactive Nitrogen (Nature):

Global net climate effects of anthropogenic reactive nitrogen

Europe > Assisted Tree Migration (Nature):

Assisted tree migration can preserve the European forest carbon sink under climate change

Greenland > Meltwater Dynamics (Cryosphere):

Greenland's firn responds more to warming than to cooling

Achieving The Paris Accord (Nature Commentary):

Science-based targets miss the mark