Scaling Up CO2 Storage (Nature):

The feasibility of reaching gigatonne scale CO2 storage by mid-century

Europe > Rewilding Opportunities (Current Biology):

Expanding European protected areas through rewilding

Arctic Ocean, Coastal Erosion & CO2 Uptake (Nature Addendum):

Addendum: Reduced Arctic Ocean CO2 uptake due to coastal permafrost erosion

Original Study: Reduced Arctic Ocean CO2 uptake due to coastal permafrost erosion

Canada > Wildfire Emissions (Nature):

Carbon emissions from the 2023 Canadian wildfires

Global Overfished Stocks (Science):

Stock assessment models overstate sustainability of the world’s fisheries

Nepal > High-Altitude Rock-Ice Avalanches (Nature):

An earthquake-triggered avalanche in Nepal in 2015 was exacerbated by climate variability & snowfall anomalies

AMOC & Labrador Current (Nature):

Role of the Labrador Current in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation response to greenhouse warming

Arctic Glacier Dynamics (Cryosphere):

Arctic glacier snowline altitudes rise 150 m over the last 4 decades

The Anthropocene (Nature Commentary):

The meaning of the Anthropocene: why it matters even without a formal geological definition

China & US > Conspiracy Theories & Understanding (J of Enviro Psych):

Hotter weather, less of a hoax? Testing the longitudinal association between experience of temperature anomalies & belief in climate change conspiracy theories

Effective Messaging On Consensus (Nature):

A 27-country test of communicating the scientific consensus on climate change

Canada > Forest Assisted Migration (Frontiers):

Assisted migration outcomes for oak species & seed sources in southern Ontario, Canada

Our Hot 2023 (Nature):

2023 temperatures reflect steady global warming & internal sea surface temperature variability

AMOC's Lower Limb (Nature):

Formation of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation lower limb is critically dependent on Atlantic-Arctic mixing

Light Rain Impacts On Humid Heat (Nature):

Light rain exacerbates extreme humid heat

Urban Coastal Adaptation Worldwide (Nature):

Progress & gaps in climate change adaptation in coastal cities across the globe