Sea Ice-Ocean Storm Response (JGR):

Air-Ice-Ocean Coupling During a Strong Mid-Winter Cyclone: Observing Coupled Dynamic Interactions Across Scales

Antarctic Krill Fishery (Nature):

Whale recovery & the emerging human-wildlife conflict over Antarctic krill

Marine Mammal & Ocean Health (Nature):

Marine mammals as indicators of Anthropocene Ocean Health

US > Increasing Winter Precip (Nature):

Robust future intensification of winter precipitation over the US

Europe & US > Extreme Urban Rain (Earth's Future):

Intensification & Changing Spatial Extent of Heavy Rainfall in Urban Areas

Digital Inputs & Emissions Reduction (ERL):

Digital input requirements for global carbon emission reduction

US > Hydropower Projections (ERL):

Multi-scale impacts of climate change on hydropower for long-term water-energy planning in the contiguous US

Indigenous Peoples’ Knowledge (Nature Commentary):

No basis for claim that 80% of biodiversity is found in Indigenous territories

Mapping Global Urban Precip Hotspots (PNAS):

Global scale assessment of urban precipitation anomalies