New Open Access Book:

Leaving Fossil Fuels Underground; Actors, Arguments & Approaches in the Global South & Global North (download 259 pg)

S Atlantic Ocean Carbon Pump (Global Biogeochemical Cycles):

The Changing Biological Carbon Pump of the South Atlantic Ocean

US > Eastern Forests (Global Change Biology):

Asymmetric effects of hydroclimate extremes on eastern US tree growth: Implications on current demographic shifts & climate variability

Antarctic Ice Sheet > Projecting Changes (Earth's Future):

Evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Over the Next Three Centuries From an ISMIP6 Model Ensemble

N Hemisphere > Heatwave Trends (Nature):

Sketching the spatial disparities in heatwave trends by changing atmospheric teleconnections in the Northern Hemisphere

Global Consumer Risk & Inequality (Nature):

Global economic impact of weather variability on the rich & the poor

Greenland Ice Sheet > Extreme Melting (J of Climate):

Rising Extreme Meltwater Trends in Greenland Ice Sheet (1950–2022): Surface Energy Balance & Large-Scale Circulation Changes