Planning Green Energy Systems (Adv. Appl. Energy):

Planning reliable wind- & solar-based electricity systems

US > Urban Heat & Just Strategies (PNAS):

Prioritizing social vulnerability in urban heat mitigation

UK > Weather-Related Mortality (Lancet):

Expert judgement reveals current & emerging UK climate-mortality burden

Scientists & Activism (Nature):

Between two worlds the scientist’s dilemma in climate activism

Beyond GDP (Lancet Review):

Beyond GDP: a review & conceptual framework for measuring sustainable & inclusive wellbeing

Adaptation Solutions (Nature Perspective):

Improving adaptation assessment in the IPCC

Minimizing Aviation Contrails (ACP):

The importance of an informed choice of CO2-equivalence metrics for contrail avoidance

Borneo > Logging & CO2 (New Phytologist):

From tree to plot: investigating stem CO2 efflux & its drivers along a logging gradient in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo