Gulf of Alaska > Marine Heatwaves (Nature):

Marine heatwaves suppress ocean circulation & large vortices in the Gulf of Alaska

Worldwide Warming Estimate (Nature):

Estimated human-induced warming from a linear temperature & atmospheric CO2 relationship

Nature News: Global warming is on the cusp of crucial 1.5 °C threshold, suggest ice-core data

Greenland > Tundra Herbivore & Plant Impacts (PNAS Nexus):

Large herbivores link plant phenology & abundance in Arctic tundra

Temperate Rainforest Impacts (Earth's Future):

Large Reductions in Temperate Rainforest Biome Due to Unmitigated Climate Change

Massive Volcanic Eruptions Disrupt Weather Patterns (Nature Commentary):

The next massive volcano eruption will cause climate chaos — & we are unprepared

Maldives > Mangrove Dieback (Nature):

Sea-level rise & extreme Indian Ocean Dipole explain mangrove dieback in the Maldives

Greenland > Melt Projections (ERL):

Projected changes of Greenland's periphery glaciers & ice caps