One Blue World
climate blog
Yellowstone Nat'l Park, US > Wolves & Biodiversity (Global Ecology & Conserv.):
The strength of the Yellowstone trophic cascade after wolf reintroduction
Antarctic Sea Ice Predictability (Nature):
ENSO’s impact on linear & nonlinear predictability of Antarctic sea ice
Indonesia > Coastal Hazards & Mental Health (Nature):
Association between climate related hazards & depression among coastal communities in Indonesia
NE Atlantic Fish Health (Nature):
How will the cumulative effects of fishing & climate change affect the health & resilience of the Celtic Sea ecosystem?
Predicting Changing AMOC (Nature):
Continued Atlantic overturning circulation even under climate extremes
Stefan Rahmstorf Comments on
How will media report on this new AMOC study?
Flu Epidemics (Nature):
Climate warming & influenza dynamics: the modulating effects of seasonal temperature increases on epidemic patterns
Projecting Global Weather Damages (Nature):
Statistical downscaling differences strongly alter projected climate damages
Birds at Risk (Ecology Letters):
Environmental Variability Shapes Life History of the World's Birds
US > Lake Algae Blooms (PNAS):
Abrupt changes in algal biomass of thousands of US lakes are related to climate & are more likely in low-disturbance watersheds
Impacts of Changing AMOC (PNAS):
Weakening AMOC reduces ocean carbon uptake & increases the social cost of carbon
AMOC Stability Dynamics (Nature):
Structural stability changes of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Researcher Communication Driving Action (Nature Commentary):
How scientists can drive climate action: celebrate nature & promote hope
Identifying Misinformation (Nature):
Automated fact-checking of climate claims with large language models
Analyzing Extreme Events Via AI (Nature Review):
Artificial intelligence for modeling & understanding extreme weather & climate events
Arctic Impacts (Science Special Issue Review):
Disappearing landscapes: The Arctic at +2.7°C global warming
Hawaiʻi > Nature Based Solutions (Nature):
Scaling biocultural initiatives can support nature, food, & culture from summit to sea
Antarctica > Soil Carbon Sinks (Nature):
Global warming may turn ice-free areas of Maritime & Peninsular Antarctica into potential soil organic carbon sinks
UK > Peatland Wildfires (ERL):
Spikes in UK wildfire emissions driven by peatland fires in dry years
Europe > Energy Transition (Nature):
Multi-country evidence on societal factors to include in energy transition modelling
Indigenous Resilience > Gitxsan Nation (Canadian Geographies):
A framework for Indigenous climate resilience: A Gitxsan case study
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