Overshoot Risks (Nature):

Overconfidence in climate overshoot

Arctic As Carbon Sink (Nature):

Benthic remineralization under future Arctic conditions & evaluating the potential for changes in carbon sequestration in warming sediments

Sea Temps & Hurricanes (PNAS):

Forced & unforced ocean temperature changes in Atlantic & Pacific tropical cyclogenesis regions

Arctic > PFAS Contamination (Sci. Total Environ.):

Cross-cutting studies of per- & polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in Arctic wildlife & humans

Arctic > Expanding Heatwaves (Nature):

Manifold increase in the spatial extent of heatwaves in the terrestrial Arctic

Peru > Vulnerable Glaciers (Cryosphere):

El Niño enhances snow-line rise & ice loss on the Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru

China > Coal Use (WIREs Review):

Managing the decline of coal in a decarbonizing China

China > Sustainable Housing (Sustainability):

Simulation & Analysis of Factors Influencing Climate Adaptability & Strategic Application in Traditional Courtyard Residences in Hot-Summer & Cold-Winter Regions: A Case Study of Xuzhou, China

Coral & Fish Health (PNAS):

Protection efforts have resulted in ~10% of existing fish biomass on coral reefs

New Book (U of British Columbia Press):

Nature-First Cities: Restoring Relationships with Ecosystems & with Each Other

New Book (Routledge):

Confronting Climate Coloniality: Decolonizing Pathways for Climate Justice

US > LNG Emissions (Energy Sci. Eng.):

The greenhouse gas footprint of liquefied natural gas (LNG) exported from the US

Kenya & Tanzania > Development Corridors (Enviro Research):

Towards more sustainable & inclusive development corridors in Africa

Antarctic Peninsula > Increasing Vegetation Cover (Nature):

Sustained greening of the Antarctic Peninsula observed from satellites

Antarctic Ice & Strong El Niño Events (Nature):

Projected Antarctic sea ice change contributes to increased occurrence of strong El Niño

India > Sea Level Rise Challenges (Environ Model Assess.):

Navigating the sea level rise: Exploring the interplay of climate change, sea level rise, & coastal communities in India

Florida > Urban Heat Exposure (PLOS):

Daytime land surface temperature & its limits as a proxy for surface air temperature in a subtropical, seasonally wet region

Kenya &Tanzania > Mara-Serengeti Ecosystems (PLOS):

Trends & cycles in rainfall, temperature, NDVI, IOD & SOI in the Mara-Serengeti: Insights for biodiversity conservation

Rwanda > Malaria Incidence (Nature):

Malaria transmission risk is projected to increase in the highlands of Western & Northern Rwanda

Global Economic Inequality (Nature):

A multi-model assessment of inequality & climate change

Johan Rockström Essay (TIME):

Planet Earth Is in Critical Condition. These are the Steps the World Must Take to Change That

Livestock Manure Emissions (Enviro Research):

Estimating methane emissions from manure: a suitable case for treatment?

Decreasing Arctic Midlatitude Cold Extremes (Science):

Models & observations agree on fewer & milder midlatitude cold extremes even over recent decades of rapid Arctic warming

Extreme Events & Partner Violence (PLOS):

The impact of environmental shocks due to climate change on intimate partner violence: A structural equation model of data from 156 countries

Changing Arctic Ecosystems (L&O Letters):

Multiple climatic drivers increase pace & consequences of ecosystem change in the Arctic Coastal Ocean

Fire Reducing Global Carbon Budget (Nature):

Fire weakens land carbon sinks before 1.5 °C

Global 30x30 Biodiversity Target (Frontiers):

Global status & emerging contribution of other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) towards the ‘30x30’ biodiversity Target 3

US West > Slowing Drought Recovery (Nature):

Anthropogenic climate change has reduced drought recovery probabilities across the western US

Antarctic Sea Ice Dynamics (Nature):

Antarctic sea ice surface temperature bias in atmospheric reanalyses induced by the combined effects of sea ice & clouds

New Book (Melville House):

The Future of Energy

Endangered Arctic Plant Evolutionary Rescue (Royal Society):

The potential for evolutionary rescue in an Arctic seashore plant threatened by climate change

New Book (Springer):

Disaster & Climate Risk Education: Insights from Knowledge to Action

US > Hurricane & Tropical Storm Fatalities (Nature):

Mortality caused by tropical cyclones in the US

Projecting Future Global Impacts (Frontiers):

Emerging signals of climate change from the equator to the poles: new insights into a warming world

Estimating CO2 Kept In Atmosphere (Nature):

A regression-based approach to the CO2 airborne fraction

Compound Extreme Events (ERL):

Comparison of the risks & drivers of compound hot-dry & hot-wet extremes in a warming world

Canada > Wildfires (Nature):

Global climate change below 2 °C avoids large end century increases in burned area in Canada

Costa Rica > Sloths At Risk (PeerJ):

Sloth metabolism may make survival untenable under climate change scenarios

Mitigation Via Wetlands (Nature):

New perspectives on temperate inland wetlands as natural climate solutions under different CO2-equivalent metrics

Worldwide Urban Solutions (Resilient Cities Network Report):

Urban Pulse: Identifying Resilience Solutions at the Intersection of Climate, Health & Equity (Download 76 Pg)

Risks To Alpine & Tibetan Plateau Tundra (RMetS):

High-resolution CMIP6 analysis highlights emerging climate challenges in alpine & Tibetan Tundra zones

Defining The Anthropocene's Onset (PNAS):

Toward defining the Anthropocene onset using a rapid increase in anthropogenic fingerprints in global geological archives

US > Extreme Temps & Racial Disparities (One Earth):

Racial disparities in deaths related to extreme temperatures in the US

Northern Cryosphere > Inland Water Emissions (Science):

Inland water greenhouse gas emissions offset the terrestrial carbon sink in the northern cryosphere

Worldwide Policy Databases (Nature Review):

A review of national climate policies via existing databases

2022 Tonga Volcanic Tsunami (Nature):

A coupled atmosphere-ocean source mechanism was a predictor of the 2022 Tonga volcanic tsunami

The Marine Carbon Sink (Nature):

Marine carbon sink dominated by biological pump after temperature overshoot