

A Matter of Degrees (Apple Podcast)
AAAS - What We Know
ABoVE (NASA'S Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment)
AGU: Plainspoken Scientist: Communicating Science
Alister Doyle (Writer)
Alliance for Global Water Adaptation
Amazon Watch



Britain Talks Climate (Toolkit, Climate Outreach)
Byrd Polar & Climate Research Center (Ohio State)



C2G2 (Carnegie Climate Geo-Governance Initiative)
C40 Cities
California Climate & Agriculture Network (CalCAN)
Cambridge Zero (U of Cambridge)
CarbonCopy (India)
Carbon Leadership Forum (CLF, U of Washington)
Centre for Climate Repair (U of Cambridge)
Chris Mooney (Writer)
CICERO (Center for International Climate Research, Norway)
CIRES (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Studies, U of Colorado, Bolder)
Citizens' Climate Lobby
CLEAN (Climate Literacy & Energy Awareness Network, US)
Clean Energy For All (US Inflation Reduction Act)
Clean Energy Institute (U of Washington)
Climalteranti  (Italian Climate Blog)
Climate Brink (Dr. Andrew Dessler & Dr. Zeke Hausfather)
Climate Dictionary (UNDP, download 92 pg)
Climate Extremes (Documentary & Resources)
Climate Feedback
Climate Shift Index (Climate Central)
Climatoscope (Quebec journal, French + English)
Clinton Climate Initiative
David Brower (In Memoriam)
Descendants Project (Louisiana River Parishes, US)
Dr. Gabriel Vecchi
Dr. Jane Lubchenco
Dr. Johan Rockström (See Planetary Boundaries Below)
Dr. Saleemul Huq (In Memoriam):
Dr. Stefan Rahmstorf
Dr. Stephen Schneider (In Memoriam)
Dr. Warren Washington (In Memoriam)
Dr. Will Steffen (In Memoriam)


Earth System Boundaries (See Planetary Boundaries Section Below)
EJAtlas (Global Atlas of Environmental Justice)
EnerCity Collaborative (Portland, OR)
Energy Policy Institute (EPIC,U of Chicago)
Energy Post (EU)
Energy Plus (France)
Eos (AGU Science News)
Extreme Heat Network (U of Arizona)


Fern (Europe)
Fiona Harvey (Journalist)
First Peoples Worldwide (U of Colorado, Boulder)
Fred Pearce (Writer)
Germany Talks Climate (Toolkit, Climate Outreach)
GlacierHub (Columbia U)
Green Ammonia (Explainer)
Highland Adapts (Scotland)
Hugo Observatory (Belgium)

Joint Committee on Climate Action (JCCA, Assembly of First Nations, Canada)
Joint Global Change Research Institute (US)
Klimaatverandering (Netherlands)
KlimaLounge (Germany)
League of Conservation Voters (LCV, US)
Let Science Speak (Short Film Series)
Living Architecture Monitor (Green Roofs for Healthy Cities)


Macaulay Development Trust (Scotland)


Nature Conservancy Educational Virtual Field Trips
NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research, US)
NoFlyClimateSci (Reducing Personal Flying Footprint by Dr. Peter Kalmus)
NORCE (Norway)
Nordic Talks  (Sustainability Podcasts)
North Atlantic Oscillation (NOA, American Meteorological Society Explainer)


Ocean & Climate Platform (France)
Planetary Boundaries [See Also PB Section Below]
Planetary Health Check [See Also PB Section Below]
Policies for the People (Black Climate Justice, Chisholm Legacy Project, US)
REDD+ (UN Explainer)
Resilience (Program of Post Carbon Institute)
Rick Steves' Europe Climate Smart Fund (Offset Any Travel Emissions)
Ross Gelbspan (In Memoriam)
Rutgers Climate Institute (RCI)


Sabin Center for Climate Change Law (Columbia Law School)
Sea Gardens Across the Pacific (Ancestral Mariculture Story Map)
SEWA (Self Employed Women's Association, India)
Sophie Mbugua (Environmental Journalist)
Susan Joy Hassol


TankaFund (South Dakota Bison)
Teju Adisa-Farrar (Writer, etc.)
TiPACCS (Tipping Points in Antarctic Climate Components)
Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) (US BIA) [See Also Indigenous Knowledge]
TREES (TRopical Ecosystems & Environmental Sciences lab, Brazil)
TreeSisters (UK)
Tribes & Climate Change (Northern Arizona U)
Tyndall Talks (Tyndall Centre Podcast, UK)


UCAR (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, US)
Under2 Coalition
UNFCCC Newsroom
Union of Concerned Scientists
Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN, Columbia U)
We Can Fix It (Climate Scientist)
Weathered; Earth's Extremes  (US PBS Series)
Wise Path Forward (Forest Stewardship)


Additional Resources - Planetary Boundaries (PB), Earth System Boundaries & Planetary Commons

2024: Planetary Health Check 2024 Report (Download 97 Pg)

2024: Planetary Health Check (New Website)

2024: Earth4All Paper: SDGs For All: Africa (Download 68 Pg)

2024: Earth4All Paper: On the Macroeconomics of Transition & The Search For Clarity (Download 10 Pg)

2024: The Economics of the Food System Transformation (117 Pg Global Policy Report PDF)

2023: A Welfare Economic Approach to Planetary Boundaries (Journal of Economics & Statistics)

2022: A Planetary Boundary for Green Water (Nature Commentary)

2022: Earth4All Paper Growth Within Limits Through Solidarity & Equity (download 23 pg)

2022: Earth4All Paper Transforming Our Economies From Ego to Eco (download 18 pg)

2022: Earth4All Paper From Inequality to Sustainability (download 14 pg)

2022: Earth4All Paper The Long Road to a Social Dividend (download 9 pg)

2022: Earth4All Paper Transformation For A Disparate & More Equitable World (download 15 pg)


2024 Climate Extremes (Documentary & Resources)

2024 TED Video Johan Rockström (July)

2023 Earth Day Video Time Magazine Johan Rockström

2021 Netflix Breaking Boundaries

2020 TED Video Johan Rockström

