Salt Marsh Resilience To Sea-Level Rise (Nature):

Vegetation traits & biogeomorphic complexity shape the resilience of salt marshes to sea-level rise

US > Weather Shocks & Migration (PNAS):

Weather deviations linked to undocumented migration & return between Mexico & the US

US > Polarization, Politics & Fear (Nature):

How natural disasters & environmental fears shape American climate attitudes across political orientation

Arctic Sea Ice & N Pacific Cyclones (Nature):

Tropical cyclone activity over western North Pacific favors Arctic sea ice increase

Global Marine Pollution (Science):

Exploring global oceanic persistence & ecological effects of legacy persistent organic pollutants across five decades

Attribution Science (Nature Editorial):

Advances in attribution

Oceans, Energy & Carbon Cycles (Nature):

Submesoscales are a significant turbulence source in global ocean surface boundary layer

Mitigation & Tropical Atmospheric Dynamics (Nature):

Irreversible changes in the sea surface temperature threshold for tropical convection to CO2 forcing

US > Extreme Heat (Environ. Res. J.):

A rapid response process for evaluating causes of extreme temperature events in the US: The 2023 Texas/Louisiana heat wave as a prototype

Global Soil Carbon (National Science Review):

Global decline in microbial-derived carbon stocks with climate warming & its future projections

Wavier Jet Stream Dynamics (Nature):

Fast-get-faster explains wavier upper-level jet stream under climate change

W Africa > Soil Erosion (Sci. Total Environ.):

Climate change is intensifying rainfall erosivity & soil erosion in West Africa

Academic Conference Emissions (Nature):

A behaviour change strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from international scientific conferences & meetings

Mitigation & N Atlantic Sea Level (Nature):

Fast recovery of North Atlantic sea level in response to atmospheric carbon dioxide removal

China & US > Interlinked Construction Emissions (Nature):

Comparative analysis of CO2 emission linkages of construction between China & the US using structural path analysis

France > Extreme Wildfire (Nature):

Attribution of summer 2022 extreme wildfire season in Southwest France to anthropogenic climate change

UK > Meat Consumption (Nature):

Smaller meat portions contribute the most to reducing meat consumption in the UK

Weakening Global Land CO2 Sink (Nat'l Science Review):

Low latency carbon budget analysis reveals a large decline of the land carbon sink in 2023 (download PDF)

Polar Bears, Pathogens & Parasites (PLOS):

Increased pathogen exposure of a marine apex predator over three decades

Urban Heat Island Dynamics (Nature):

Nonlinear changes in urban heat island intensity, urban breeze intensity, & urban air pollutant concentration with roof albedo

N Atlantic Sea Levels (Nature):

Exploring multiyear-to-decadal North Atlantic sea level predictability & prediction using machine learning

Needed: Transparent & Realistic National Mitigation Plans (Nature):

Over-reliance on land for carbon dioxide removal in net-zero climate pledges

Marine Heatwaves & Shifting Sardine Range (Molecular Ecology):

Crossing the Pacific: Genomics Reveals the Presence of Japanese Sardine (Sardinops melanosticta) in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem

Heat Waves & Air Pollution (PNAS):

Heat waves may trigger unexpected surge in aerosol & ozone precursor emissions from sedges in urban landscapes

Conserving Global Biodiversity (Nature):

Involving citizens in monitoring the Kunming–Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

Canada > Heatwaves & Streamflow Responses (Earth's Future):

The Streamflow Response to Multi-Day Warm Anomaly Events: Sensitivity to Future Warming & Spatiotemporal Variability by Event Magnitude

Global Heatwaves (Nature):

Characterizing heatwaves based on land surface energy budget

Marsh-Fronted Seawall Coastal Solutions (Nature):

Marsh restoration in front of seawalls is an economically justified nature-based solution for coastal protection

Pacific Ocean & Atmospheric Rivers (Nature):

Response of the upper ocean to northeast Pacific atmospheric rivers under climate change

US > Floods, Skepticism & Vulnerable Communities (ERL):

Triple exposure: the geographic correlation between flood risk, climate skepticism, & social vulnerability in the US

Indian Ocean > Vulnerable Whale Sharks (Sci. Total Environ.):

Effects of climate warming on energetics & habitat of the world's largest marine ectotherm

Cape Cod, US > PFAS Fish Contamination (Environ. Sci. Technol.)

Characterizing the Areal Extent of PFAS Contamination in Fish Species Downgradient of AFFF Source Zones

Global Plant CO2 Uptake (Oak Ridge Lab Story On Paywalled Nature Paper):

Oak Ridge Nat'l Lab: Plant CO2 uptake rises by nearly one third in new global estimates

Nature (Paywall): Terrestrial photosynthesis inferred from plant carbonyl sulfide uptake

Europe > Drought (Nature):

Direct & lagged climate change effects intensified the 2022 European drought

CO2 R&D Activities (Nature Review):

Sustainable production of CO2-derived materials

S Korea > Heatwaves & Public Health (Nature):

Compound impact of heatwaves on vulnerable groups considering age, income, & disability

Ocean Temp Dynamics (Nature):

Synchronous decadal climate variability in the tropical Central Pacific & tropical South Atlantic

Brazilian Amazon > Deforestation & Malaria (PNAS):

Ecological change increases malaria risk in the Brazilian Amazon

Extreme Event Attribution (Frontiers Review):

Frontiers in attributing climate extremes & associated impacts

China > Extreme Drought (ERL):

Attribution analysis of the persistent & extreme drought in southwest China during 2022–2023

California > Shifting Grasslands (Nature):

Rapid shifts in grassland communities driven by climate change

Extreme Ocean Temps (Nature):

Common occurrences of subsurface heatwaves & cold spells in ocean eddies

China > Heatwaves, Air Pollution & Greenery (Nature):

The combined effects of heatwaves, air pollution & greenery on the risk of frailty: a national cohort study

Arctic Sea-Ice (Nature):

Drivers of summer Arctic sea-ice extent at interannual time scale in CMIP6 large ensembles revealed by information flow

Antarctica > Refractory Black Carbon Emissions (Nature):

Seasonal changes in black carbon footprint on the Antarctic Peninsula due to rising shipborne tourism & forest fires

Australia > Energy & Extreme Temps (Nature):

The risk of energy hardship increases with extreme heat & cold in Australia