New Book (U of British Columbia Press):

Nature-First Cities: Restoring Relationships with Ecosystems & with Each Other

New Book (Routledge):

Confronting Climate Coloniality: Decolonizing Pathways for Climate Justice

US > LNG Emissions (Energy Sci. Eng.):

The greenhouse gas footprint of liquefied natural gas (LNG) exported from the US

Kenya & Tanzania > Development Corridors (Enviro Research):

Towards more sustainable & inclusive development corridors in Africa

Antarctic Peninsula > Increasing Vegetation Cover (Nature):

Sustained greening of the Antarctic Peninsula observed from satellites

Antarctic Ice & Strong El Niño Events (Nature):

Projected Antarctic sea ice change contributes to increased occurrence of strong El Niño

India > Sea Level Rise Challenges (Environ Model Assess.):

Navigating the sea level rise: Exploring the interplay of climate change, sea level rise, & coastal communities in India