Salt Marsh Resilience To Sea-Level Rise (Nature):

Vegetation traits & biogeomorphic complexity shape the resilience of salt marshes to sea-level rise

US > Weather Shocks & Migration (PNAS):

Weather deviations linked to undocumented migration & return between Mexico & the US

US > Polarization, Politics & Fear (Nature):

How natural disasters & environmental fears shape American climate attitudes across political orientation

Arctic Sea Ice & N Pacific Cyclones (Nature):

Tropical cyclone activity over western North Pacific favors Arctic sea ice increase

Global Marine Pollution (Science):

Exploring global oceanic persistence & ecological effects of legacy persistent organic pollutants across five decades

Attribution Science (Nature Editorial):

Advances in attribution

Oceans, Energy & Carbon Cycles (Nature):

Submesoscales are a significant turbulence source in global ocean surface boundary layer

Mitigation & Tropical Atmospheric Dynamics (Nature):

Irreversible changes in the sea surface temperature threshold for tropical convection to CO2 forcing