One Blue World
climate blog
Arctic Sea-Ice Loss Dynamics (Nature):
Emergence of a climate oscillation in the Arctic Ocean due to global warming
Goals & Outcomes (Dialogues on Climate Change Commentary):
Is limiting the temperature increase to 1.5°C still possible?
European Alps > Warming Caves (Nature):
Climate warming detected in caves of the European Alps
Global Mountain Snow Cover (Nature):
Uneven global retreat of persistent mountain snow cover alongside mountain warming from ERA5-land
England & Wales > Coastal Risks (Nature):
Vulnerability assessment of English & Welsh coastal areas
Antarctic Seasonal Responses (Nature):
Antarctic extreme seasons under 20th & 21st century climate change
Global Wildfires & Plant-Soil Water Cycling (Nature):
Widespread & systematic effects of fire on plant–soil water relations
Bangladesh > Monsoons & Mental Health (Nature):
Psychological health declined during the post-monsoon season in communities impacted by sea-level rise in Bangladesh
Arctic-Boreal Region > Snow & Soil Carbon (Nature):
Warming-induced contrasts in snow depth drive the future trajectory of soil carbon loss across the Arctic-Boreal region
National Action Pathways (Nature):
The 4A climate action framework
China > Cultural Ecosystem Services (Nature):
Modeling the distribution of cultural ecosystem services based on future climate variables under different scenarios
Antarctic Ice Shelf Dynamics (Science):
Ross Ice Shelf frontal zone subjected to increasing melting by ocean surface waters
Salt Marshes As Blue Carbon Sinks (Nature):
Salt marsh litter decomposition varies more by litter type than by extent of sea-level inundation
Antarctic Sea Ice Variability (Nature):
Antarctic sea ice multidecadal variability triggered by Southern Annular Mode & deep convection
Europe > Extreme Rainfall (Nature):
How climate change intensified storm Boris’ extreme rainfall, revealed by near-real-time storylines
AMOC & Sea Ice (J of Climate):
The Role of Sea Ice Insulation Effects on the Probability of AMOC Transitions
New TEK Book (Oregon State U):
Indigenous Critical Reflections on Traditional Ecological Knowledge
Planetary Boundaries Update, Rockström, et al. (Nature Review):
Planetary Boundaries guide humanity’s future on Earth
Adaptation & The Vulnerable (Science Commentary):
Misguided negative adaptation narratives are hurting the poor
Island Nations > Flooding Risks (ERL):
Population exposure to flooding in Small Island Developing States under climate change
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