One Blue World
climate blog
Mexico > Temp-Related Deaths (Science):
Heat disproportionately kills young people: Evidence from wet-bulb temperature in Mexico
Global Sandy Coastline Risks (Nature):
Coastal hardening & what it means for the world’s sandy beaches
US East Coast > Flood Risk (Nature):
Multi-century geological data thins the tail of observationally based extreme sea level return period curves
Global Natural World Heritage Site Risks (Nature):
Natural world heritage sites are at risk from climate change globally
Projecting Regional Extreme Events (Earth's Future):
Regional Impacts Poorly Constrained by Climate Sensitivity
Predicting Global Extinctions (Science):
Climate change extinctions
Improving Flood Hazard Estimates (Earth's Future Commentary):
Flooding is Not Like Filling a Bath
Predicting Precipitation Anomalies (Nature):
How well do climate modes explain precipitation variability?
Extreme Events of 2024 (Nature Editorial):
Beyond the extremes
Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf Dynamics (Nature):
Winter thermohaline evolution along & below the Ross Ice Shelf
Monsoonal Regions > AMOC Weakening Impacts (Nature):
Atlantic Ocean thermal forcing of Central American rainfall over 140,000 years
Tsunami Risk to Seaports (Nature):
An approach to assessing tsunami risk to the global port network under rising sea levels
Global Drought (European Commission) Report:
World Drought Atlas
(download 178pg)
Global Operational Weather Forecasting (Nature):
Probabilistic weather forecasting with machine learning
Late-Arriving Marine Heatwaves (Nature):
Late-arriving 2023 summer marine heatwave in the East China Sea & implications for global warming
An Ice-Free Arctic Ocean (Nature):
The first ice-free day in the Arctic Ocean could occur before 2030
Meat & Milk > Impacts & Alternatives (PNAS):
A multicriteria analysis of meat & milk alternatives from nutritional, health, environmental, & cost perspectives
Svalbard > Arctic Glacier Calving (Nature):
Ocean warming drives immediate mass loss from calving glaciers in the high Arctic
Bangladesh > Empathetic & Sustainable Cities (Nature):
Promoting sustainable cities through creating social empathy between new urban populations & planners
Great Barrier Reef Upwelling Dynamics (Science):
Climate refugia in the Great Barrier Reef may endure into the future
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